The Ultimate Guide On Descriptive Essay And Its Specifics

The main goal to writing a great descriptive is to engage the reader by immersing him or her into your content by touching on vivid details. You are encouraged to stimulate as many as the human senses as possible to create a “picture” that comes to life in the reader’s mind. The descriptions must relate to the topic at hand and work to support the central argument – but its story telling aspect gives it a unique freedom that allows for a lot of creativity. The following tells you all you need to know about this kind of writing assignment:

  1. Choose a Topic and Argument
  2. A good assignment should focus on a single event. Review the prompt and write down three ideas. Choose the one you think you can write the most vividly on and then take a specific point of view. If you have trouble coming up with some ideas you can get help from an essay service. UK companies are a good place to start as many specialize in this particular academic area.

  3. Brainstorm and Observe Details
  4. Now that you have a topic to write about, start brainstorming some of the details surrounding the event. Was it raining? Was it cold? Were you wet? These questions all lead to an event that could have taken place in a winter day, but as you can see their responses provide you with some groundwork for the details. Ask yourself several questions and pay close attention to the details.

  5. “Show Don’t Tell Your Ideas”
  6. You’ve probably heard many of your instructors say a similar phrase to this. It’s been a proven method of adding life to writing by making stories (or essays) much more interesting. The best method for identifying ideas that could be shown is to create a five column chart of each of your senses and listing descriptive terms related to the things you want to say. If you were writing an essay for customer service, for instance, you can make a chart covering what your senses experience in a working day.

  7. Organize and Write the Draft
  8. Now gather all of your ideas and details and then create a simple outline. Use this outline constantly while writing the first draft. If you don’t know how to create a good outline, search for a free template online. A “best essay service” online search should bring up dozens of places where you can download a template for free.

  9. Revise, Edit, and Proofread
  10. Finally, try spending a few days away from your assignment so that you can return to revise, edit, and proofread your work with a set of fresh eyes. You can hire an essay editing service to do the work for you to ensure it is done accurately and learn from the corrections that a professional editor has made.

If you’ve practiced good writing habits you should have ample time to have a second or third reader to review your work and offer feedback. It’s a good idea to ask a classmate or friend to read your work, but you should also consider hiring a professional essay writing service to look at your work. They are affordable and can help polish your work so that you receive the best possible grade.

Writing Ideas